Preserve Environment and Save Costs by Using Refused Derived Fuels (RDF)
"At least 140 tons of RDF is produced per day in Kermanshah, which is equivalent to landfill of 20 million m3 methane gas and can be saved in using for 10 thousands families", said Haide Shirzady Recycling and Composting Kermanshah Company CEO, in the Conference of Using Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) in Cement Industry on March 2017.
"Since the waste management rule is not being implemented in Iran, most of used subsides for industries have been lost (wasted) in general without performing a proper infrastructure in order to take advantages of existing potentials to reduce energy costs, and today cement factories could have been benefitted from RDF fuel and there would be no concern for landfill."
She explained that cement factories should have started using of RDF years ago and said: "RDF plants have been built in Germany. According to statistics about 65% of required energy in cement factories was produced by RDF in 2012 and planning in European countries is so that by 2024 there will be no landfill in Europe."
At the moment only 15% waste is recycled in Iran. 50 million tons of greenhouse gases and 10 million m3 leachate are produced from waste. In addition about 600 hectares of lands per year will be needed to deposit the landfill waste.
"Trough managing and recycling of waste we can return organic part into soil, hundreds hectares of unusable farmlands can be revived again, and also effective works can be done to create job opportunities." Shirzady explained: "We recommend cement factories negotiate with municipalities and invest in waste management plans; a part of recyclable waste can be sold; on the other hand, RDF can be remained to use in factories; and
in addition, composting from organic part can be used in planting trees and developing green spaces in factories."
Regarding to the government supporting of using Refused Derived Fuels Plan (RDF), Shirzady explained: "if the government support this plan, deliver RDF to cement factories in free and pay an amount as subside to change their technologies, still tens of billions dollars will be saved from cement gas supplies for the government."